

We Too Shall Pass will work with you to determine which end of life documents you need or want updated based on your local requirements. We will also make sure you get these important decisions into the right hands in advance of major life events so they are accessible when the time comes to reference them. We discuss your wishes for medical intervention and options for care to ensure you are in a living facility or situation that will honor those wishes if the time comes to reference your plan. Please note we suggest including some lesser discussed planning tools that are more comprehensive than average. For example, including a dementia addendum can give you peace of mind if in the future you are given a cognitive diagnosis that does not allow you to make decisions for yourself any longer. 

We also discuss:

  • Caretaker support and communication management within the group of loved ones and professionals caring for a terminally ill person.
  • The creative aspect of one’s legacy such as storytelling through writing, video, and art, in order to create documentation to share for generations to come. Want to write your own obituary so you are remembered just the way you wish to be? We can help you with that, too.
  • The plan for the amazing vessel that houses your soul! We address the available options for the final disposition of your body- We can go over what the best choice is for you culturally, financially, and spiritually, and document or even aid in pre-planning for those wishes as well. We are passionate about educating individuals and their loved ones about eco-conscious green burial, cremation alternatives such as alkaline hydrolysis, organ or whole body donation to science, and funeral arrangements that can be as celebratory or peaceful as you imagine. Financial support such as life and death insurance to help with costs can also be addressed during this conversation.
We work with a wide variety of compassionate, chosen professionals to get your affairs in order so that you feel deeply cared for and valued.
Learn more by contacting us below. We are looking forward to hearing from you.

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WTSP serves  Chicagoland, for more information about our services and our mission please reach out to us.

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