Tiffany Noelle Johnson

Tiffany is a death doula who brings a lifetime of understanding and wisdom to her work. She carries both life experience and professional training into every exchange with clients, their families, and their loved ones. She can work closely with home healthcare, medical staff, and hospice teams and is highly adaptable to changing environments or sudden needs that often arise during these difficult times.

Tiffany began visiting nursing homes and volunteering to sit with elders when she was a young girl. She helped care for her father starting at age 12 after he experienced a stroke and stayed close with him for the next 7 years while he endured complications and medical trials. She was privileged to be with her father when he died peacefully at home, family encircling his bed, in September of 1996.

Tiffany’s studies in art therapy, combined with schooling and licensure in clinical massage therapy, continue to feed her passion for journeying alongside people and pets going through major life transitions. She offers holistic support and guidance to those navigating the inevitable challenges that occur during loss. Her gentle yet grounded nature allows individuals to come to their own unique way of processing and healing around their circumstances, without judgment. She formally trained as an end-of-life doula in 2018 with extraordinary teachers and fellow passionate death caregivers from around the world at Doorway Into Light in Maui, HI. Tiffany chose to become further certified as a dementia death doula in early 2023 after working in memory care and witnessing the pain and confusion family members often experience when their loved one develops and inevitably transitions out of life with cognitive decline. Her heart for the animal kingdom and the special bond people have with their pets has also given Tiffany the opportunity to serve as a pet death doula on several occasions.She has also been invited and honored to guide pets and their human families through the end of life for many years, creating sacred space and ceremony in the most unique and sometimes unlikely situations.

One of the most distinctive services Tiffany can offer families is the creation of legacy art pieces, sometimes repurposing belongings from the dying individual or items they have left behind. It’s a beautiful way to honor the person or pet whose energy we are trying to preserve through holding on to a memento or keepsake but finding the permission to turn these gifts into something useful as well as meaningful. Another offering she provides is a customized end-of-life journey plan. In this capacity, she can meet with you to discuss and write down your wishes in a way that is legally binding for your geographic location, work through scenarios so you feel comfortable making decisions for yourself, and give you confidence that you are fully informed about all the options available.

Education about options and holistic approaches to the end-of-life journey are both of great importance and a driving force for Tiffany. She loves to incorporate bodywork, nutrition, music, art, and nature into her practice as the opportunities present themselves, and is ever seeking to grow her awareness and tools to offer those she serves.

Our service area

WTSP serves  Chicagoland, for more information about our services and our mission please reach out to us.

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Death Doula Services

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